Friday, October 16, 2020

High school!

Prior to the pandemic, we had already decided that we'd continue homeschool till the end. X is very inquisitive so this year has taken more energy. However, there are things to look forward to. Such as this is the last year we need music and health! We're excited to choose electives for our high school years. This year we chose mythology! I haven't had much time for updates so I'm not sure when I'll be back.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Family tree

We're learning about the Civil war and X wanted to know if any of our ancestors had fought in any war. I did find that my paternal great grandfather's headstone mentions WWI. I know an uncle of mine was in the Gulf war. This brought us to searching C's lineage as well.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Something to look forward to

Middle school is almost over. Two short months left. X is elated to never need art after this. He probably gets that from me. History is becoming his strong suit.   

Friday, March 27, 2020

Coronavirus Pandemic

Our town is infected. I worry about our income. We purchased a new vehicle prior to Cuomo placing our state on 'pause'. I worry about the possibility of looting and/or riot situations starting. My surgery has been postponed. We can't get out to our co-op art class, weekly tutoring, or any field trip. Public schools have been closed for over a week but our homeschooling continues. We're fortunate that I'm already a SAHM thus not rushing to find childcare. We are not scrambling like several other families to figure out how to school at home. I guess we have to wait and see how this ends. Stay strong!     

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


I have surgery coming up in April. I'm using our spring break for my recovery. The flexibility of homeschool made scheduling a breeze. Lately, we've been having car trouble and have recently started considering leasing a new one.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Additions to our homeschool

I purchased a microscope, laminator, and X got STEM kits for Solstice from his aunt. Exciting!

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Holiday Party

We met some new families this year at a homeschool party. Although, most of the children are under 10. This group isn't as welcoming as those in the neighboring town. We'll see how any future events go.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Course options

Next month X will get to visit the vocational school to see what programs he might be interested in. It would be 2 years before he was to actually start one but a decision needs to be made prior. They offer a variety of choices. Automotive Technology, Building Trades, Game Design and Development, Early Childhood Education, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Electrical, Health Occupations, Law and Government, Heavy Equipment Operation, HVAC Refrigeration, and Welding. I know he is curious about game design. We'll see how it goes. 

Friday, October 11, 2019

6 Nations

We took a trip to the Six Nations Museum. A small place but packed full of history! We're learning about the Iroquois right now too. There were nine clans and the speaker was a Wolf clan and his father a Turtle clan. He made jokes about how some personalities are like those of their clan. The Deer spook easily and with any sort of conflict, they bolt. The Wolf is hard to get to know but has its pack. Then there was the Turtle which may be slow at times but is strong. It really was an amazing trip.         

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Common Core

It has been brought to my attention that I (as a homeschool family) need to help end CC. We don't currently need to implement CC but when it comes to buying new textbooks they will be CC aligned. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Year round?

Some families school year round. I'm thinking about it myself. In public school X would also do their summer program. This gave him two weeks after the end of school off and two weeks before the start of the following year off. I may even be able to graduate him early this way.

A local private catholic school closed their doors last week. I'm expecting to see a flood of religious homeschoolers in our small town. I'm hoping fewer children will be proselytized because of this...

Well, I'm taking a break from blogging until September either way. See you soon!

Saturday, June 8, 2019


X has matured so much in just this short year! He has been trying to overcome his anxiety of heights. His learning of space has helped in this regard. He independently listens to the news and has attended things he wouldn't have previously enjoyed. He's willing to become active in the community via volunteer opportunities with the elderly. Things are falling into place and I love it! I doubt he would be the same person had he continued in public school.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Lower case i

You may have noticed the i in my blog name instruction is lower case. There is a reason for it. X had trouble distinguishing an uppercase I with a lower case l so I purposely made it lower case. 

Friday, April 19, 2019


X is currently in 7th grade so we have time before finalizing any decision. I've known since starting our journey that I would at the very least homeschool through the 8th grade. We were unsure about high school due to college reasons. X has consistently said he wants to continue homeschooling through graduation. I enjoy research and have been looking into his options.

X is unsure about college but I don't want to hinder the possibility. Of course, the easiest choice would be to attend public high school to earn a diploma and guarantee the possibility of college. Or so you would think. I don't want him to HAVE to endure the difficulties he has in the past for something he MIGHT be interested in. Otherwise, it is in our best interest to make sure he takes the SAT and request a letter of completion from the superintendent at the end of 12th.

IMO avoiding TASC (formerly GED) is our goal and TBH shouldn't be necessary because he would have earned his diploma. There is also potential for attending an international (Canada) choice if he were to desire. We've discussed taking a trade and that might be the route he chooses.   

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Freedom From Religion Foundation

The FFRF offers a badge to atheist boys and girls who write an essay. This is due to the boy scouts treatment towards atheists and not allowing them to join. Apply for the badge here

They also offer several scholarships for high school seniors, students of color, college students and graduate students. Follow the link for the needed form