Friday, April 19, 2019


X is currently in 7th grade so we have time before finalizing any decision. I've known since starting our journey that I would at the very least homeschool through the 8th grade. We were unsure about high school due to college reasons. X has consistently said he wants to continue homeschooling through graduation. I enjoy research and have been looking into his options.

X is unsure about college but I don't want to hinder the possibility. Of course, the easiest choice would be to attend public high school to earn a diploma and guarantee the possibility of college. Or so you would think. I don't want him to HAVE to endure the difficulties he has in the past for something he MIGHT be interested in. Otherwise, it is in our best interest to make sure he takes the SAT and request a letter of completion from the superintendent at the end of 12th.

IMO avoiding TASC (formerly GED) is our goal and TBH shouldn't be necessary because he would have earned his diploma. There is also potential for attending an international (Canada) choice if he were to desire. We've discussed taking a trade and that might be the route he chooses.