Sunday, September 24, 2017

Negative interactions

The SLP (speech) asked X AGAIN if he thinks he will ever go back to public school... I've told her 3x's now that he will not be going back. Then she proceeds to say to him Why not? I think you would like it. He told her that he was bullied by both students and teachers and that his ears are sensitive and that they have bells in middle school. Her response was that he could use earplugs! He told her that he did use them in the school cafeteria. She changed the subject and got back on task.

I posted our experience in the local homeschool groups and received positive feedback. Some others have also been through this. So far this has been our only overstepping that we've been involved in. Outside of the CSE trying to make us feel guilty for pulling X. Family has been very supportive and notices the better in our decision. I've heard NY is more unfriendly towards the idea though.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Getting back into the routine

We like having a schedule around here. We have an order for our subjects to keep stress low. Our dry erase calendar was the best purchase ever! We've gotten back into our school routine even with car problems. I love seeing X excited to explain what he's learned for the day to C when he comes home. What is your homeschool like?

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

I went to a homeschool moms night

I had a much needed night out with other homeschool moms. It went great. We also just had a not back to school picnic where I met some more moms. I feel young compared to most of them and a little like the oddball out because I have an only child and we're not religious. Not to mention they're much more seasoned and already know each other. I really really wish I had started sooner. We have another trip planned for the end of the month and I can't wait.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

School starts Thursday

This is our first year not having to buy a supply list or back to school clothes. I'm excited to see what this year brings. We already have a homeschool picnic at the park planned for the 12th. I'm always searching and finding new things to get into. Learning doesn't just happen Mon-Fri. I hope everyone has a great 1st day back!