Monday, July 10, 2017

Individualized home instruction plan (IHIP)

Step 2: Again these are per NY requirements. Once the IHIP forms are obtained you have 4 weeks or by August 15th whichever is later to complete and submit the document. Within 10 business days, the school is supposed to notify you that the IHIP complies with the requirements or give written notice of any deficiency in the IHIP. If you must revise the IHIP you will have 15 days or by September 15th whichever is later to send it. The school will then inform you if it complies or not. If it does not meet the standards this time the district will send the date of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the board of education that will be held at least 10 days after the mailing of the notice, and shall indicate that if the parents wish to contest the determination of noncompliance, the parents must so notify the board of education at least 3 business days prior to such meeting. At such board meeting, the parents shall have the right to present proof of compliance, and the board of education shall make a final determination of compliance or noncompliance. IHIP needs to include the child's name, age, and grade level, a list of the syllabi, curriculum materials, textbooks, or plan of instruction to be used in each of the required subjects,  the dates you will submit your quarterly reports and the names of the individuals providing instruction. *Side note* Finding your child's learning style will help in choosing which curriculum to use. I will discuss these in a later post(s).

-Sample- This was X's 5th grade IHIP (You will need to customize yours)

Date 10/31/16          School Year 2016-2017
X    Age 10      DOB xx/xx/xx    Grade 5  
Dates for submittal of quarterly reports 1st 11/15/16 2nd 1/30/17 3rd 4/15/17 4th 6/30/17
X will be using various methods/tools for 5th-grade instruction in all the subjects specified in Section 100.10 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education. Materials and activities listed in one subject area may also apply to other subject areas. The resources may include and are not limited to, the following list as well as reference materials (including dictionaries, maps, non-fiction books, videos, DVDs, CDs, magazines, newspapers, and internet resources), hands-on activities, experiments, projects, field trips, group activities, art supplies, free play, conversations, and real life.  We also take advantage of the many library, community, and internet resources available.

Primary Resources:

-English/ Language Arts (including reading, writing, and spelling):  Primary Resources: McGraw-Hill  Treasures Workbooks at
-Science (Includes life sciences and physical science): Primary Resources:
-Social Studies: (Includes geography, NY state/US history, and constitution, patriotism, and citizenship) Primary Resources:
-Health: (Includes HIV/AIDS, alcohol/drug/tobacco abuse, arson prevention, fire/traffic/highway/bicycle safety education, child abuse) Primary resources:
-Music: Primary resources:
-Visual arts: Primary resources:
-Physical education: Primary resources:  Indoor/outdoor play, seasonal activities (swimming, biking, etc) and fitness education.

Primary instruction to X will be provided by N and C his parents. Supplemental instruction will be provided by others, as necessary. Due to the nature of homeschooling, this plan is subject to change at any time.



Always double check state regulations

Coming up Step 3: Quarter report

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